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Why Months and Seasons Matter to B2B Sales

· list of Canadian com
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When it comes to B2B sales, there are many moving parts to consider. Everything from crafting the perfect marketing message, all the way to figuring out what times of day might be the best to send said messages out. There are so many factors to consider! However, there may be an arena that your team has been overlooking, which shouldn’t be missed! What might that area be? Well, it is simply the fact that months and seasons really do matter when it comes to B2B sales! So, when looking to connect with your list of Canadian companies, do not be afraid to consider how the different months of the year, and different season, may affect the ways your sales and marketing team’s work.

Different months really will dictate the different ways that your Canada company list does their business. If you think about it, this is pretty natural! For example, the start of the calendar year, meaning from the beginning of January onward into March, is an incredibly important and lucrative time in the B2B sales space. This is the time that budgets will generally be planned and perhaps even solidified, so this can be an integral time to get our message out there to prospective buyers!

When it comes to the end of the calendar year however, with months such as December having often lower conversion rates, don’t be fooled. This is still an important time for reaching out. Though conversion rates may be lower, and business overall may be slower during December, things pick back up again in January with the start of the new year. This can mean that forging good business connections during the end of the year with your online business directory can really help set up great new ventures for the following month.